April 8
Shenzhen, MOJO Club Rejecting Foreigners?
Anon: “Hi Kyle! I wanted to tell you that MOJO club in shenzhen’s cocopark doesn’t allow foreigners now.”
Kyle: “Wow what happened? Any video?”


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Anon: “I went with some foreign friends and some Chinese friends. At first baoan said we can’t go because one of our friends was too drunk, so his girlfriend said “oh just go ahead”, but he still wouldn’t let us in. My foreign friends and a few Chinese friends tried talking to baoan and ask why. He finally said it’s because we have foreigners with us, and he would let us in but it’s the owners rule not his. We knew the DJ there and they said if the dj brought us inside we could go, but that was the only way. And that was after we talked for like ten minutes. It’s a shit club anyway so idk why we were trying so hard. The baoan was nice and there was no fight so I didn’t take a video ahaha. Just wanted to spread the word. I’ve never had that happen in cocopark before so I was shocked.”
Kyle: “This place?”

Anon: “Yes.”
Source: WeChat Chat History
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