April 11
BLACKLIST: Tony English Training School, Xianhe county
[Disclaimer] To the schools – if you feel this blacklist is unjust, contact WeChat: kele781194025. 学校: 如果这故事不对劲,来联系我们。微信: kele781194025
Anon: “I’m [redacted] I want to blacklist my previous school because of what they did to me.”

Anon: “This is what they did, they torn up my passport so that I couldn’t leave. They torn up the page where I have my current valid residence permit.”


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Kyle: “Holy shit.”
Anon: “I hope you can help us blacklist this school.”
Kyle: “That is crazy illegal. “
Anon: “I am under the agency and my agency is also withholding all my documents. I was deceived by people here. I can’t fight back because I have no money to hire a lawyer.”
Kyle: “Withholding your documents is illegal too. Try the police heh. Any other evidence about the school?”
Anon: “I am in Beijing and my Agency is in Yantai. I am so broke. I lost all my dreams here in finding my success. Yes, one moment.”

Anon: “This is my proof that they held my passport for a long time and gave it back to me but the visa page is gone.”

Anon: “This one is in the agency, i want a release letter and my documents back but they want me to pay 5w.”
Kyle: “Wow what a scam. The labor bureau could help you for free.”
Anon: “Should I go to Labor Bureau in Yantai?”
Kyle: “Holy shit.”
Source: WeChat Chat History
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