April 9
Mandatory HSK worries foreign students
Anon: “@Kyle 凯尔 There is an increase concern amongst students studying in China particularly for those who came in the year 2018 and 2019 there are supposedly in 3rd and 2nd year respectively. The problem is when they came to China there was never an obligation to pass HSK in order to graduate and now the government last year passed a law or ruling that no one should be able to graduate without passing it despite not having told us this fact when we enrolled it was just added along the way …. the exam for HSK have gotten upgraded to make it worse they now include a lot more characters double the amount for each level. Undergraduate are to attain HSK4 more than 3000 characters and masters HSK3 about 1200. This disregards the amount of time you have to dedicate to this extra requirement as the exam are self financed each time you sit for the exam you can expect to fork out at least 500. This is affecting a lot of students those about to graduate for their masters who are stuck at home and those here in China to who have been given notices by heads of university to fulfil the requirements you can fact check this.”
Kyle: “Mmm. That’s smart, make testing mandarory, charge 500 each test.”
Anon: “Its so sad students are rushing to finish a thesis but if they don’t pass the HSK it will be in vain ….. furthermore the vocabulary has been extended and funny enough starting this semester Chinese lessons have become mandatory in all universities to incentivise the motion. I honestly think it’s quite unfair. To shade more light .. 2018 batch only did Chinese for a year and that was it …. but now that this rule has been put in place suddenly its now mandatory to start attending these classes for HSK. I love learning Chinese but this pressure isn’t necessary to put forceful on every student.”
Kyle: “Well personally I think its cool that more people are learning Chinese. It does seem frustrating for people who were about to graduate though… I’m not sure they can even get to that level fast enough..”


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