中国人看美国人 | How Americans Are Viewed By Chinese

October 2


How Americans Are Viewed By Chinese

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed in this article are either that of the author or the sources mentioned and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of anyone working with ExpatRights.

中国人看美国人 | How Americans Are Viewed By Chinese


The most welcomed tourists


Americans(North Americans)are the most welcomed foreign tourists in China. Generally speaking, Americans tourists are viewed being generous (good tipping), easy-going, good to communicate with, with a feeling for justice, respectful, polite, casual, and liberal, open-minded, humorous, well-mannered, punctual, and clean.

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Respected In The Workplace

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Americans in the workplace and business are also respected by Chinese people. Their lifestyle is often talked about and even imitated by Chinese people. They like the way that Americans openly discuss opinions and challenge other people’s ideas, which could reduce time and effort of communication. Most Americans do not gossip. They respect individualism so they are more creative.


Different Understanding On Modern History


Americans and Chinese have different understandings for the Boxer Indemnity and the Sino-Japanese War of World War II in modern history.

中国人看美国人 | How Americans Are Viewed By Chinese
中国人看美国人 | How Americans Are Viewed By Chinese


Changing Perceptions Of America


Taiwanese director An-Lee mentioned in an interview that, “He was impressed by American people as rich and tall and the country of the dream when he was young and then found out that there are lots of realistic social problems in this country too after he moved to the US. That is why he shot the movie“ Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk”.


An American who is teaching English in Beijing said on Douyin that he was asked questions by Chinese a couple of years ago how to be a NASA astronaut when he came to China and felt like that he can be an expert in all aspects. It has been changed even in the opposite way. For example, people recently said that foreigners who came to China are all losers in their own countries and to make money from Chinese people, which are not true either and also could cause barriers to cross-culture communication.

中国人看美国人 | How Americans Are Viewed By Chinese

Image:American English teacher JOHN on Douyin


Chinese See Social Problems In America

No.1    枪支泛滥。Gun violence.

No. 2   川普总统言辞,不符合政治家的形象,对华敌对政策。President Trump’s speech and image are not as decent as the politician. And their hostile politics to China.

No. 3  中国人认为美国的种族主义问题严重。Chinese think that the problem of racism in the US is critical.

No. 4  过于自由,从而没有控制好疫情。This Country is too liberal and free to control the epidemic of Covid-19.


中国人看美国人 | How Americans Are Viewed By Chinese


Caucasian bachelors are popular in the international matchmaking agencies


Some bloggers usually mention that some Americans come to China because they cannot find jobs in the US or have “strange personalities.” 

Chinese women should be wise and take serious consideration if a white man says that he particularly wants to find a Chinese wife. Many Chinese women maintain tradition, and while there are more and more Chinese women independent and modern too. However, the business of international matchmaking agencies that introduces Caucasians from Developed countries to Chinese women is still flourishing. Bachelors from North America as well as other commonwealth countries and Europe, these developed countries are most popular in this business.


Some people complain about why we always talk about Western men and Chinese women. We have to admit that Chinese men marry Western wives too. Because of all foreign language colleges or universities in China, there are many more female students than male students. That is to say, Chinese women who can speak foreign languages are a lot more than Chinese men speaking foreign languages. Besides, the divorce rate has increased rapidly in China. Plus, the conflict of leftover men and women has been a painful social topic. Some people believe that it is all because China has accepted too much from the West and to blame it on Chinese women and Westerners.

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Screen shot: If you type 跨国婚恋, means international marriage in Baidu, then you could see all brands of matchmaking websites. And the pages are full of western caucasian men photos. The US flag is at the very beginnning.


The Largest Chinese Population Outside Of The Country


Except for Asian Countries, there are 346,000 Chinese in the US, which is the largest Chinese population in western countries. It is also the most popular country for Chinese parents sending their kids for education.


The way of positive and liberal American education is influencing Chinese gradually.

中国人看美国人 | How Americans Are Viewed By Chinese


Chinese Return Back To China From The US


Chinese who went to the United States, Canada, and other English-speaking Commonwealth countries, or after living for a period of time and returned home, always say that “The city where I went to the US or Canada have only local Caucasians, barely have Chinese immigrates around. I have been taken very good care of by local American people. “This kind of experience usually becomes their social conversation to distinguish what they accepted is purely American and Canadian culture, rather than staying in the Chinatowns. 

他们在中国同胞面前流露出的骄傲,偶尔还会说出的美式口音的地道英语,而非中式英语,会让朋友们很是羡慕,有时也会让一些人产生嫉妒。近来,在网络上表现类似的故事会受到不喜欢美国的网友们的挑衅,“崇洋媚外”是被匿名网友经常评判所用到的词,或者说外国的月亮总是比中国的圆,和英语里 The  grass is greener in neighbors fence. 意思相近。事实上,他们并非真的崇拜美国的一切,只是想把自己有趣的多元化经历分享身边的人而已。

They are very proud to talk about it and occasionally speaking authentic English with a North American accent instead of Chinglish that could make their friends admire, and sometimes jealous too. Recently, similar stories on the internet could be challenged and judged by some anonymous Chinese netzines who don’t like Americans at all.  The phrase “chóng yáng mèi wài” means “Worship foreign people and flatter foreign countries,” refers to the loss of national self-esteem is what they often use to criticize in the comments. Or they say another expression, the moon in foreign countries is rounder than that in China, which means in English proverb that the grass is greener in the neighbor’s fence.

Actually, they don’t really admire or “worship” everything in the United States but just would like to share their diversified cultural and interesting experiences with the people around them.

中国人看美国人 | How Americans Are Viewed By Chinese


A Social Blogger’s Opinion Was Heavily Criticized



We quote a social Ph.D. blogger short writing on this theme from Zhihu: 

It says that “Those Chinese who know Americans view them based on their own experiences. And those who don’t know Americans, throughout their life, will view them based on how the media leads them to. In addition, people with independent consciousness seldom hold a general concept of how Americans are or how Chinese are.”

中国人看美国人 | How Americans Are Viewed By Chinese

 Screenshot of Zhihu


This short article is simple and clear,neutral and objective. But it is sad to see an abusive comment too. The first comment: “With all due respect, Americans are all ****.” 


Be Confused by the United States from other western countries



A story from the internet: One year, I went back to my hometown from abroad to celebrate the new year. The hometown is a small village in a small town in the countryside. However, many uncles also like to discuss politics. 

From intercontinental missiles to 911, to the Middle East to the Soviet Union, almost all mention the captain of the United States. 

I can’t get in at all. 

All in all, all in all.

Uncle: “The issue of the South China Sea and Taiwan are caused by America. Otherwise, we would have been taken back early. In the past, when the United States fought against North Korea………………………………………….. “.

Uncle: “Xiao Lin, did you go to America?”

Me: “No, no! I went to Australia!”

Uncle: “Which country is Australia?”

Me: “In……”


The seniors in the villages were taught about foreign countries with very limited knowledge, or they barely know any Western people in their life. Not to mention their opinion on Americans. There are two words in Chinese: Europe and the United States, where the West is led by the United States. So many people may end up confusing themselves with Westerners as a whole when they talk about Americans.

中国人看美国人 | How Americans Are Viewed By Chinese

Image: This photo above is a famous comedian, Zhao Benshan (left) who likes to act roles of old uncles from villages in his plays. We choose this image because this kind of role represents old uncles who talk about politics as their daily conversation with friends. But they are making fun of it not really serious about.


More Love For American Brands And Culture Than The America People


Chinese people love Western brands and trend more than Western people. After all, many of them either need to work with Americans or have an American friend. Asians all prefer white skin to dark skin. In their points of view. The Asian tanned skin is seen as less energetic, and less exuberant. Therefore African or black people inevitably became the least liked for Chinese, not because if hate but just because of the beauty standards. Nevertheless, American black music and sports, as well as fashion, are very popular for young people in China.


This type of cultural phenomenon in the Chinese language, people call it “Yang Qi,” which means Foreign flavor. (Baidu explanation) Foreign style, when used as adjectives, refers to Western-style, also refers to Western culture, refers to the atmosphere of modern trend. Most of them are used as neutral words and commendatory words.

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Chinese pop rock stars.

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TV show. The Rap of China.

Editing/Rewritten: Cici Li (ccartwalk)

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